
F-Pro Logo

Freelance Proffessionals
F-Pro™ (Freelance Professionals™) is an organization made up of freelance professionals in the print, video, and other media-related fields. Members include journalists,artists, models, and computer-based publishing specialists.

dot What is F-Pro™?
Freelance Professionals™, (F-Pro™) is a syndicate of Independent Image and Information Producers™ (IIIP) , MULTInationalMEDIA™ (MnM) and F-Pro Knowledge Knavigators™ who, for mutual benefit, operate on an agreed set of rules, reflected in their work for every level of the communications industry.

dot Who are some of the skilled people involved in Freelance Professionals™?
Freelance Professionals (F-Pro™) accepts applications from a wide variety of people in the communication industry. If you can put the word "professional" in front of the type of freelance work you do, you're probably eligible to apply. The following are some of the Freelance Professional occupations we accept... Writers - Video Editors, Producers, Videographers - Travel Consultants - Theatre Directors - Television Directors, Producers, Announcers - Stylists - Stunt People - Stage Designers - Sportscasters - Sports Figures - Special Effects (F/X) & Sound Technicians - Software Developers - Song Writers - Singers - Set Designers - Screen Writers - Reporters - Rock Bands - adio Announcers - Pyrotechnicians - Publishers - Production Coordinators - Product Demonstrators - Photographers, (Reportage, Product Display, Portfolio, Documentary, Commercial, Architectural, Aerial) - Photofinishers - Orchestras - Musicians - Motion Picture Film (Editors, Directors, Camera Operators) - Models - Media Celebrities - Martial Artists - Marketing Consultants - Make-Up Artists - Magicians - Lyricists - Lighting Technicians & Designers - Journalists - Illustrators - Illusionists - Image Consultants - Hair Stylists - Graphic Designers - Graphic Artists - Gaffers - Fund Raisers - Fashion Designers - Fashion Show Producers - Event Coordinators, Managers - Equipment Renters - Emcees - Desktop Publishers - Decorators - Dancers - D.J.s - Costume Designers - Correspondents - Corporate Designers - Continuity Persons - Computer Programmers - Comedians - Concert Promoters - Clowns - Choreographers - Caterers - Cartoonists - Caricaturists - Broadcasters - Body Guards - Body Designers/Builders - Best Boys - Ballet Dancers - Audio Engineers - Audio Visual Technicians, Producers - Athletes - Announcers - Advertising Consultants - Adventurers - Actors...... and anyone else who is a producer of creative material, organizer of original information presentation or simply knows how to navigate through the worldsŐ resources to aid in communication needs locally or worldwide.

dot When did F-Pro™ begin and what kind of people were its founders?
The Freelance Professionals™ concept began in 1992 as "Futur Professionals™", an effort to promote the skills of imaging and media students, and has since grown from a student group to a professional organization encompassing all areas of media and information services and promoting Freelance Professionals™ members and associates locally and around the world.

dot What inspired the efforts of F-Pro™?
The student origins of Freelance Professionals™ illustrate that the organization was conceived and solidly based on the needs of skilled people who were open to networking and self-marketing opportunities. F-Pro™, with a clear vision of how the employment dynamic of the communications industry was changing, set out to provide opportunities for those willing to commit their energy and resources to image and information production in the freelance world.

dot Who is eligible to be involved?
Working communications professionals or students already accepted and enrolled in an information / communications / marketing / imaging program of any description are eligible to join one of the sections of F-Pro™. The rationale behind accepting students into Futur ProfessionalsŞ (F-Pro*edu)™ is that they have already expressed a desire and commitment to work in the world of communications through their studies. Students must also have reached their 18th birthday.

dot What if I have already been involved in freelance work?
If you are currently working in any of the classifications listed, or as an independent image and information producer of any kind, you can apply to become an associate member of Freelance Professionals™ (F-Pro™).

dot What are the two ways into the organization?
Acceptance into Freelance Professionals™ is possible in two ways, one is from the ranks of graduated Futur Professionals™ (F-Pro*edu)™ and the other is direct from the working world.

dot What is the difference between Futur Professionals™ (F-Pro*edu)™ and Freelance Professionals™ (F-Pro)™?
The student group, with the *edu suffix, comprises the future image and information producers of the world. F-Pro*edu members learn, experiment and gain confidence needed for to enter the professional world. Acceptance as a Freelance ProfessionalsŞ associate (F-ProŞ) confirms that you are a professional and that you understand the standards of professionalism required in freelance work and are worthy of the opportunities professional status bestows.

dot Why is the "e" missing in the Futur Professionals™ name?
The original organization was populated by students who spoke French, Spanish and English (as well as Thai, German, Ukrainian, Italian, Persian etc.) To encourage the worldwide acceptance of the F-Pro*edu™ concept, an effort was made to reflect the international nature of its membership, and initial documents were printed in French, English and Spanish. The word future in French is "future" and in Spanish "future" - hence the common elements of the three languages is f-u-t-u-r. Unfortunately, today most of the documentation is only available in English, but as the organization grows, and new technologies evolve to serve this need, we hope to provide F-Pro™ information in the language of your choice.

dot Where does Fashion Professionals™ fit in?
When the organization first began, some of the members were models. This group expressed an interest in exchanging their work for publicity. Since then, Fashion Professionals™ (Fash-Pro™) has developed as a division of Freelance Professionals™ (F-Pro™). There is no student equivalent within Fashion Professionals™. All Fashion Professionals™ associates join directly, and as self-marketing individuals, trade or sell their skills, designs or services to other F-Pro™ associates as well as promote the F-Pro™ concept independently within the fashion industry.

dot Can you be a student member of F-Pro™ without the *edu?
No. The short form "F-Pro™" stands for Freelance Professionals™ and is the professional association, accepting only those who are currently active in freelancing their skills (independent from any educational institution) or have come up the ranks by graduating from Futur Professionals™ (F-Pro*edu), the student organization.

dot What then, is the advantage of joining Futur Professionals™ as a student?
In the words of a former student: "When we were students, it was very difficult to set ourselves apart from the crowd, to have any sort of advantage or "leg-up" over our fellow student competitors... let alone break into the communications marketplace. It was hard to make a name for ourselves in our chosen area of study. We wanted access to "real-life" experience in the communications world, but our status as just another student didn't open many doors for us. Once accepted into Futur Professionals™ (F-Pro*edu™), and after ordering and receiving the membership kit, status, opportunities, a few small jobs and ultimately money started to come our way, all while we were still in school!" "Today, having graduated to a full-fledged Freelance Professionals™ , I attribute my status and recognition to my early educational association with Futur Professionals™!"

dot What does it cost to be a student member of Futur Professionals (F-Pro*edu)?
The yearly fee for individual F-Pro*edu members is US$35.00 Group organizers can submit 12 memberships for U.S.$350.00 - Posters, ad copy and recruitment kits are available to group organizers

dot What if I am not a student and not actually freelancing right now, can I join anyway?
Generally speaking, No. Applications from individuals wanting to become associated at the professional level of Freelance Professionals™ (F-Pro™) must be working in the communications field or actively developing their professional status. Student members (F-Pro*edu) must be active students.

dot What does that mean, "actively developing their professional status"?
The powerful opportunities for those associated with F-Pro™ arise from the standards of professionalism upheld by its membership, and how those professionals behave in the marketplace. Therefore, if an applicant can prove to our selections committee, that although their income is not currently derived from freelancing, they would nonetheless be an asset to Freelance Professionals™ in their promotion and development of their chosen freelance area, then, under these special circumstances they might be accepted.

If you are a bona-fide freelancer, please don't hesitate to contact Freelance Professionals for more information.